It increases your credibility

Belonging to a chamber gives your business a leg up conpared to those who are not members. A company with this level of credibility becomes desirable to consumers, increasing the likeliness they’ll seek out your goods or services in the future. While you business’s positive perception increases, so will your profits as you establish credibility and brand recognition within your industry. You membership dues could potentially pay for themselves thanks to the influx in your consumer base.

It provides key business resources

Your local chamber can make a great marketing resource for your company via avenues like its newsletter, website, social media, and more. In addition to networking events, chambers often hold events, such as “lunch and learn,” where members can pick up new skills or techniques. These types of events can offer resources for advancement for all your employees. Being a member of a chamber also gives you access to other discount opportunities like ChambersPlan group insurance, freightcom and more.

As well, Chambers lobbied for financial resources during COVID-19 for the business community and their staff. Through our partnership with the Canadian Chamber, the Saskatchewan chambers were able to do a shop local campaign which benefited many. Though you will pay membership fees, chambers are here to assist you when you need guidance or have issues with municipal, provincial or federal government.

It help you make business contacts

When you decide to join a local chamber, you automatically open up yourself and your business to a network of potential partnership. Business contacts from your local chamber could become the supportive community you turn to one day for assistance or vice versa. In addition, your new business contacts may be the people who serve as your sounding board for new ideas, come up with solutions to internal business problems, and even partner with you on a new endeavor.

It expands your network

As your local chamber continues to grow, so will your network. The chamber will hold networking opportunities allowing you to get to know community members, fellow business owners, and other professionals in your industry. While the events can range from formal to fun, each will allow you to make new connections and foster additional exposure for your business. Your business’s relationships and possible expansion through a local chamber network will often be unmatched.

It supports you professional development

Most chamber of commerce host events and training session geared toward professional development. By providing these opportunities for your and your business’s growth, the chamber creates an avenue for you to improve skills and gain knowledge without breaking your company’s budget. Taking advantage of the chamber’s professional development opportunities will help your business make necessary changes, share its expertise with others, and grow.

Ready to join your chamber?

If you’re ready to join your local chamber, first step is locating the chamber nearest you. Contact that chamber office and ask to set up a meeting to discuss your membership. Have some questions ready to ask the CEO/Executive Director to assist you in the meeting. Let the CEO/ED know what issues or resources you would like access to as part of your membership.

Are you looking to offer group insurance to your staff?

Are you looking to advertise your business?

Want to be listed in the top business directory in your area?

Have access to information from the government or other businesses in your area or province?

What to host a chamber social, lunch and learn to educated the community about your business?

Join Us

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